Norwegian Sailors' Tattoos

Thousands of Norwegians went to sea during the golden age in Norwegian shipping. Many came back with tattoos that marked their affiliation and testified about trips all over the world. In this richly illustrated the book, sailors talk about their tattoos and exotic experiences. The book also provides an introduction to the post-war seaman's life, written by first conservator Elisabeth S. Koren at the Maritime museum. Furthermore, you can read about sailor tattoos before and now, accompanied by numerous pictures. The preface was written by author Jon Michelet, who tells why he really wanted to get a tattoo, but never managed. The text in this book is bilingual, Norwegian and English.




  • ISBN


  • Format

    195 x 251 mm
    Hardcover, 324 pages.

  • Utgitt

    09/2013, 04/2017.

  • Kategori

    Art book, non-fiction.

  • Ressurser

    Bla i boken

Gratis frakt i Norge


The jury stated: "The interaction between images and text works very well, and the book radiates a warmth and closeness that you rarely experience in fact-based literature. The book consists of texts about the history of tattoos, a foreword by Jon Michelet and texts with thirteen sailors' personal stories. The texts are engaging and passionately told, while conveying a lot of facts about this part of our culture. The image material is not only a support for the text, but also works excellently well on its own terms as story-telling illustrations. The whole means that a subject you didn't think you were interested in acquiring becomes a joy to explore."

«A huge, thick treat of the very rare in the Norwegian book flora. ... Not only is the book a joy to leaf through – the pictures are fantastic – but there is also a lot of exciting reading, especially the sailors' own stories. ... "Norwegian Sailors' Tattoos" is adventurous reading for anybody interested in tattoos.»

– Sissel Hofengh, Dagsavisen

«We love the book that shows our proud tattoo tradition. Forever associated with sailors, adventure, freedom and rebellion.»

– Helle Vaagland, NRK National Gallery

«It has become a wonderful book... It is a harsh but culturally historically important book... It has an overwhelming number of color photographs, tattoo motifs, you name it, it's in the book. Many thanks to Magikon publishing house for the documentation and the excellent equipment the book has received.»

– Utkikken

«This book is long-awaited documentation, respectfully told and impressively illustrated. It opens with personal testimony from Jon Michelet, who was not allowed to get a tattoo by his mother. Together with the other authors, he puts the tattoo into a context that today's tattooed and non-tattooed alike will benefit from.»

– Eyvind Bagle, Museumsnytt

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